Web Develolpment for Beginners:

Hello friends, Here Iam going to tell you about the Web Development in the simple 5 Steps:-


Step 1:

     *Purchase a paid or free Domain name . (Eg-www.google.com, www.abc.com  etc..)

     *for your reference i will give you  some of the domain purchasing websites.



             https://in.godaddy.com/  etc..

Step 2:

     *purchase a Hosting Server. It is very important for running a website you should have one Hosting Server. 

  (Reason: It is used for storing our datas like photos, videos etc)

Step 3:

     *After purchasing Domain and Hosting Server you can move to step4.

     *In the step 3 we are giving some tips about the free sites that has been available for non payable users.

 (There is a free sites like Blogger and it will provide you a Domain name and their own hosting server. You didn't need to buy it..But if our Doman provided by the Blogger is blocked for some reasons and Hosting Server also blocked for that Domain provided by the Blogger. So it is a good one to buy a domain and hosting server. Because if your Domain is blocked for some reasons and your data is still on your Hosting Server. So it cannot be lost forever.)

Step 4:

     *If the Domain and Hosting Server are in same company then no problem go to step 5. Otherwise move to step 4.1.

Step 4.1:

     *If the Domain is in one company and the Hosting Server is in another company. So we need to link the Domain and the Hosting Server.

     *Now go to our Domain website and then click the my Domain and then we will see our Domain name and then  click the Manage Domain and click the Management Tools and then click the Nameserver and then click the Custom Nameserver.

     *And then enter the Nameserver provided by the Hosting Server and click change Nameserver.  So now both are linked.

     *And in this stage our Domain and Hosting Server is created and both are linked .

Step 5:               

     *If you know html, php, css, javascript  you can create your own design and posts for your website by using that code and paste it in the hosting file manager and it will be reflected on your website and then move to conclusion. otherwise move to step 5.1.

Setp 5.1:

     *If you don't know the coding then no problem there are some softwares like wordpress.

     *Install the wordpress to the Hosting server.

     *And then after installation. It will provide an admin and password for you.

     *So using that admin and password you can make open that plugin and create your own design and posts for your website and then publish it.
     *In the wordpress plugin there is already a predefined code so you dont need to write the code. so you just create a post using that plugin and then publish it. And it will reflect on your websites for       the viewers. So it saves time for you.

 (So like the wordpress in blogger also we don't need to write the code. There is already a predifined code so your just use it and create your own design and post using that plugin. So that too saves your time.)


     *There are some free and paid themes avalilable on the online market. so if you need, you can purchase it and apply it to your website or blog.
     *Moreover the paid theme is appreciable because the paid theme will attatracts the users easily. So if the users gets attracted the traffic and viewers for your website will be increased soon.
     *These are the simple procedure for creating and designing websites.


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