

  • A dictionary is one of the most important tool during our study time. 
  • A good dictionary can help us to understand our subject better and it help us to improve our communication skills. 
  • It help us to find spelling of a word and to find the synonym or antonym of a word etc.

Python Dictionary:
  • A Dictionary in Python works similar to the Dictionary in a real world. 
  • It is in the form of Key - Value pair.
  • The Keys of dictionary must be unique and values can be duplicated.

Modules Needed:
  • json - it comes built in with python, so there is no need to install it externally.

  • Download the JSON file containing English dictionary words from our github site. 
  • Create a folder and add the downloaded .json file and the python source code script in the folder

  • Then open that  python source code script  in the python editor and then run it and then you will get the output.

source code:

import json

data = json.load(open("dictionary.json"))
decision = True

def get_meaning(word):
    if word in data:
        return "The Meaning for the word '%s' is:" %word , data[word]

while decision == True:
    word = input("Enter the word: ").lower()
    meaning = get_meaning(word)

    if not meaning == None:

        print("Sorry!!! The word '%s' doesn't exit. Please check the word one more time." % word)

    yes_or_no = input("Do you want to continue Y/N: ").lower()

    if yes_or_no in ['yes','y']:
        decision = True

        print("☺☺ Thank You ☺☺")
        decision = False


  • The Full Source Code is available on our github site.
                                Click here --  github


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