ChatBot - using - Python



    * Here we are creating a simple chatbot using python.

    * We won't require 1000 lines of code to create a chatbot but just a six-letter word 'Python' is enough to create it. Here we are using the Python's ChatterBot library to create our chatbot.      

    * ChatterBot is a Python library that makes it easy to generate automated responses to a user's input.

    * ChatterBot uses a selection of machine learning algorithms to produce different types of responses.

    * This makes it easy for developers to create chatbots and automate conversations with users.


     * You can install ChatterBot on your system using pip command.
              pip install ChatterBot  

Below is the implementaion for the chatbot:

 # importing our chatterbot libraries  
 from chatterbot import ChatBot  
 from chatterbot.trainers import ListTrainer  
 from chatterbot.trainers import ChatterBotCorpusTrainer  
 # creating instance(object) for our ChatBot and naming our ChatBot as 'Tom'.  
 my_chatbot = ChatBot('Tom')  
 # opening the traning data for our ChatBot from the file  
 # using open function and storing it in identifier named as 'training_data_for_mybot'.  
 training_data_for_mybot = open('training_data_for_mychatbot/Ques and Anes.txt') . read() . splitlines()  
 # training the ChatBot using our personal data from the file  
 trainer = ListTrainer(my_chatbot)  
 trainer . train(training_data_for_mybot)  
 # training the ChatBot with english corpus data  
 trainer = ChatterBotCorpusTrainer(my_chatbot)  
 trainer . train('chatterbot.corpus.english')  
 while True:  
   # input function is used to get the input from the user  
   user_request = input('you - ')  
   # get_response() returns the responses for the user_request  
   bot_response = my_chatbot . get_response(user_request)  
   print('Tom - ' , bot_response)  


  • The Full Source Code is available on our github site.
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