web - based - ChatBot - Python - Flask


     * Building an web based application is simple in Python .

     * Python provide us the Web Frameworks like Flask, Django for building the web based applications.

     * Flask is Python Framework for building small web based applications and Django is used for building large web based applications.

     * Here we are building a simple and small web based chatbot application so, I am using Flask to build it.

Installation :

     * Here is the command for installing Flask.
         pip install Flask
     * After the complete installation of flask you want to import it to your program.

     * Here is the command for importing the Flask Framework.
         from flask import *

Source code for ChatBot :

 # importing the chatterbot and flask libraries
 from chatterbot import ChatBot
 from chatterbot.trainers import ChatterBotCorpusTrainer
 from chatterbot.trainers import ListTrainer
 from flask import *

 app = Flask(__name__)

 # creating instance(object) for our ChatBot and naming our ChatBot as 'Tom'.
 my_chatbot = ChatBot('Tom',
             'import_path': 'chatterbot.logic.BestMatch',
             'default_response': 'sorry, Iam donot understand what you are saying',
             'maximum_similarity_threshold': 0.90

 # opening the traning data for our ChatBot from the file using open function
 # and storing it in identifier named as 'training_data_for_mybot'.
 training_data_for_mybot = open('training_data_for_mychatbot/Ques and Anes.txt').read().splitlines()

 # training the ChatBot using our personal data from the file
 trainer = ListTrainer(my_chatbot)

 # training the ChatBot with english corpus data
 trainer = ChatterBotCorpusTrainer(my_chatbot)

 def home():
     return render_template("index.html")

 def get_bot_response():
     user_request = request.args.get('msg')
     # get_response() returns the responses for the user_request
     return str(my_chatbot.get_response(user_request))

 if __name__ == "__main__":
     app.run(debug = True)


Output :

  • The Full Source Code is available on our github site.
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