

  • Creating a simple voice assistant is easy in Python while comparing to other Programing Languages.
  • Python provide us many modules for making our work so simple and fast.
  • Here we are using speech recognition module and webbrowser module for our project.
  • speech recognition module is used to recognize our voice and convert that into text.
  • webbrowser module is used to open the browser and show the results based on our url input.
  • Here we are creating a voice-search assistant. based upon your voice command input it will open the browser and show the search result for you. 

Installation :
  • The command for installing speech recognition module on your machine is 
        pip install SpeechRecognition
  • The command for installing webbrowser module on your machine is
             pip install pycopy-webbrowser


  • After installation copy the source code and run it on your machine



Source Code :

 import speech_recognition as sr
 import webbrowser

 # create an instance of the recognizer class
 r = sr.Recognizer()

 # creating the instance of the Microphone class for using our microphone
 mic = sr.Microphone()

 with mic as source:

     print(" say something ")
     # adjust_for_ambient_noise() method of the Recognizer class is used to handle the ambient noise.

     # listen() method captures input from the microphone
     # This method takes an audio source as its first argument and records input from the source until silence is detected.
     audio = r.listen(source)

         voice_data = r.recognize_google(audio)
         print(" you said : %s " %(voice_data))
         search_url = ""+voice_data

         print(" can't recognize your speech ")


Output :

  • For more Python Applications visit my Github site.
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