

  • Creating a simple voice assistant is easy in Python while comparing to other Programing Languages.
  • Python provide us many modules for making our work so simple and fast.
  • Here we are using some python modules like speech recognitionwebbrowser, datetime, time, gtts, playsound, random, os, sys modules for our project.
  • speech recognition module is used to recognize our voice and convert that into text.
  • webbrowser module is used to open the browser and show the results based on our url input.
  • datetime module is used to get the datetime.
  • time module is used to get the time.
  • gtts module stands for google text to speech and is used to used to convert the text to speech.
  • playsound module is used to play an audio file.
  • random module is used to choose the random value from the given range like if we given start as 1 and end as 1000, it will randomly choose one value like 500 or 45 or 98 etc.
  • os module is used for many uses like creating a directory, removing a directory etc. But here we are using it to remove the created audio files.
  • sys module has many operations like sys.argv, sys.path, sys.exit etc. Here we are using sys.exit to exit the program execution.
  • Here we are creating a voice- assistant like siri, alexa, google assistant. based upon our voice input command it will show us the result.

Source code :
  • The full source code for the voice assistant is available on my github site.
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Output :

  • for more python applications visit my github site.
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